Wednesday, September 28, 2016

C Interview with Sandisk.

1)Memory Organization in C.

2) Write assembly program for following C Code
Int a;
int a =10;
int *ptr = &a;

3) gave a small code with global variables, static, local, both initialized and uninitialized
Asked me where the variables are stored.

4) implement Segmentation fault/ abort. write a program.

5) Implement Heap Overflow & Corruption. Write a program

6) Implement stack overflow & corruption. Write a program

7) Questions on multi core implementation, synchronization techniques.

8) How to change the memory layout of a C program where to you configure.(RTOS)

9)How ping pong buffer work.

10) How to initialize 512 bytes from bit stream in one shot to the Structure variables

11) Write a program to create a memory leak.

12) Questions are based your answers and they go deep.

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