Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Need for a DSP processor.

Note : Comments are welcome.

1)Find whether a give number can be written as 2^n.

2)WAP to reverse characters in a string.

3)WAP to reverse a single linked list.

4)WAP to swap the bytes in a word.

5)WAP to implement sizeof() operator in C.

6)Define a MACRO to extract bits in a word between (M,N) positions.

7)How do you prove the sum of two odd numbers is even

8)you have a 4 liter jug and a 7 liter jug. how do you measure 9 liters.

9)rand() generates values between 0 to 3 with probabilities 1/6,1/3,1/6,1/3 respectively.
now write a c_rand() function which generates 0 or 1 with 1/3 and 2/3 probabilities respectively.

10)Draw the block diagram of a DSP processor.

11)Draw the block diagram of Encoder.

12)Need for deblocking filter.

13)what will the following program print.

int i = 0;
int *ptr = NULL;
ptr = (int*) malloc(i);
if(NULL == ptr)

14) What all values are stored in heap memory,data segment and stack.

15) When you allocate resource to thread the values in semaphore decremented by one.where do this value be stored.

16)How do you detect a loop in a single linked list.

17)Tell me about Cache hit, miss

18)Cache Coherency and InCoherency.

19)How does a DMA work.

20)write an assembly program to implement reconstruction.